Sin is Death

John Owen, about 200-years before the automobile, invented the bumper sticker with the phrase, “Be killing sin, or it will be killing you.”

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If Christ is your Lord (not just your lip-service savior, nor your genie-in-a-bottle), you will repent easily and often with Jesus and with your neighbor. Because you know it’s not about you – it’s all about Him.

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Choosing Christ

Free-Will is a tricky thing when placed alongside Predestination. It’s a whole lot simpler to talk about the one if you act like the other doesn’t exist. Yet: Scripture.

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Where we view ourselves on the timeline changes how we live within it.

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Anxiety Cure

Being true to yourself is the heart of anxiety; following your heart is the ultimate and eternal threat to your safety.

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The Image of God

The person of God, the place of heaven, and the thing of me: Who am I in light of eternity?

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God's angels are not merely fluffy, feel-good, kitsch-on-a-shelf. They are fierce, mighty protectors that step into the fray on our behalf, to keep the Will of the Lord. They are the Lord’s Dragons.

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Love Protects

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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An Examined Ideology

An un-examined ideology is not worth holding. It is good to be grounded, but whatever we end up being persuaded of, we ought first to have reasonably examined.

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Woke Warning

There needs to be a Christian Wiki, designed specifically for non-Christian media.

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Worship is Warfare

Proverbs 29:2 (NLT) When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan.

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Biden recently had a party for his Redefining Marriage Act, complete with all the trimmings. Have you ever noticed that what Biden calls ‘good,’ God calls ‘an abomination’? (1)

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A commitment by the offended to pardon graciously the repentant from moral liability, and to be reconciled to that person, although not all consequences are necessarily eliminated.

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Remember how Christ triumphed over death? Different weapons, different warfare.

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Love Pursues

Words matter. We all seem to know how, in the Greek, 'agape' is not 'eros', yet both are ‘love’. But what about when the word ‘love’ is written in the Hebrew language first?

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Love is not Acceptance

Rather than be compelled to hide from God as Adam did – or more futilely, to fight Him, as Pharoah did – we are to be undone. God can accept us only if He remakes us.

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Saints and Sinners

Beneath the confusion that's running so deep there is a promise you must hear. The love that seems so far away is standing very near.

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What is true is true regardless of what challenges may come. Why can’t we just let people embrace their own delusions, as long as they’re happy? 1- It's not about us. 2- It's a matter of life and death.

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Broken and Homeless

To go against God’s will, and the vows spoken before Him, by separating what He joined … well, the children will have issues. The homelessness, the lost-ness, is not forever for all children of divorce. I’m sure it is for many, though.

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The very word, ‘Gender’:

MC Escher meets the Oxford Dictionary. When the foundation of language becomes fluid, the function of language falls away – if there is no island where we can gather, we are left out on the waves.

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Uncle Douglas

1Timothy 4:7, 16 – Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

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The Great Exchange

Jesus did not equivocate when He said, "If you love me, obey my commandments." And He hammered it home with the inverse, "Anyone who doesn’t love me, will not obey me."

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Christmas Prayer

If I could have one wish this Christmas season, it would be what I pray for every day. Not a wish to Santa, but a prayer to our heavenly Father.

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The evil of abortion

Women are designed differently than men, and that used to be a blessing – Roe and Casey consider it a curse. That’s ‘modern,’ and that’s despicable.

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Unity in Disagreement

I love when people step into the muck and mire, assume the best of each other, ask questions to better understand the concerns, and can end without a clear resolution. It's possible for there to be unity in disagreement.

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Fear and fear not

Senior Night brings many thoughts. I am so proud of my Amazing Kiddos is one thought among many.

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God Rested

He worked till it was finished and the seventh day He blessed it He said that it was good And the seventh day, He blessed it God rested

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