God Rested

Andrew Peterson: I'm a fan. His music, his books -- they express heartache, struggle and joy -- and the thread through it all is his reliance on the Creator of the universe, as He has revealed Himself in the Truth of Scripture.

God Rested: This particular song has played this past week a fair few times, so it's no surprise that I woke up to it playing silently in the dark this morning as I was making coffee. The seven days of Creation were a glimmer (a glimmer, mind you), of this Holy week. Until Andrew Peterson's poetry rattled around in my head long enough, I didn't recognize what was right before us from the beginning.

If you don't already know these two albums (three, actually), take the time and effort -- and be blessed. This song comes from the Resurrection Letters Prologue:

"So they took His body down
The man who said He was the resurrection and the life
Was lifeless on the ground now
The sky was red His blood along the blade of night

"And as the Sabbath fell they shrouded Him in linen
They dressed Him like a wound
The rich man and the women
They laid Him in the tomb

"Six days shall You labor, the seventh is the Lord's
In six, He made the earth and all the heavens
But He rested on the the seventh
God rested
He said that it was finished
And the seventh day, He blessed it
God rested

"So they laid their hopes away
They buried all their dreams
About the Kingdom He proclaimed
And they sealed them in the grave
As a holy silence fell on all Jerusalem

"And the Pharisees were restless
Pilate had no peace
Peter's heart was reckless
Mary couldn't sleep
But God rested

"Six days shall you labor, the seventh is the Lord's
In six, He made the earth and all the heavens
But He rested on the the seventh
God rested
He worked till it was finished and the seventh day He blessed it
He said that it was good
And the seventh day, He blessed it
God rested

"The sun went down, the Sabbath faded
The holy day was done and all Creation waited ."

After You rested at Creation's completion, Lord, You walked with Your people. After you rested at Redemption's completion, You walked with your people again. In the fullness of time, You will walk with your people yet again, in all Your glory, mighty in power.

You are present. You are holy. You are worthy. You are. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. Hallelujah!