Prayerful Ramblings

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have more time, money and energy.  Then I repent.  Of course I want more of each, because then I could cut more slabs of wood and do it well, I could buy more tools and materials and have less construction in my personal living quarters, and my skills and Dragonwood could both be something of a much higher caliber.  But that's coveting -- and I am called to obedience.  We all are. 

Eugene Peterson has a  phrase: A long obedience in the same direction.  Gandalf said to Frodo: All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.  Jesus used the words:  Faithfulness and Abiding.

I want more, of course, but I don't know if I want more for me, or if I want more to serve Christ and His people with.  The Lord, the God of the Angel Armies, knows my heart -- and so do I.  My heart is like everyone else's: deceitful above all things, and I am to repent.  Thankfully, what God has called me to, He gives freely.

I'm mindful of Afghanistan and those who are desperately trying to leave the country because they have surrendered all for Christ.  I am becoming increasingly aware of the Great Reset that is in progress, and how Jesus warned us of the coming antichrist, whose arrival will be as predictable as the weather.

And then I pray.  Jesus is my rock and my salvation.  He is our peace and our joy.  He is the Truth and the Life.  His promises are sure, and this present evil age will pass.  Our suffering is to be expected, because the world first hated Him.  But He chose us out of the world, and if He is for us, who can be against us.  Hallelujah!